Wednesday, May 26, 2010 @ I'm lovin' it

This is the third week of my life in TOA. As you can tell in the title of this post, I'm really happy that I enrolled. This isn't hell at all as everyone says. Maybe it's because Degree prog only has 5 subjects in it's first semester, but so far, I love what I'm doing. I look forward to doing (most of) my homework and he is helping me with my time management and make sure i don't procrastinate. (Thanks, darling!)
The only thing is, I have classes from Monday to Saturday. And everyday I only have one 3 hours class. So if anything like today happen, I will have to take the bus home (or go to Darling's house, like today ;D)(or hang out with classmates at Pyramid). The teacher went on an emergency leave today and we only know when we are in class, ==. I really need a car.
Labels: College life, Wants and Wishes, William, Work Done
Wednesday, March 24, 2010 @ Nyahaha

Here's something new. My first completed pencil drawing :D!
And an update: I went to The One Academy (finally) last week.
I'm thinking of taking the 3+0 BA (Hons) Graphic Design and Illustration. But before that I need to take a year of foundation. :) And for registration, I need to prepare a portfolio of a portrait, a landscape painting, and a free composition. Above shows that I'm done with the first :D.
I will be starting at 4th May.
Yes, I have tons of time to laze around.
Mum's dragging me out every single day to furniture shops, hardware stores, lamps and lighting shops, tiles and toilet stores and the likes. *sigh* Oh, wells. I can't wait for my house to be completed anyway. Woot! Finally getting my own room.
Ah and going around Klang, and even to Selayang (just for tiles), mum decided that it is damn inconvenient to drive Estima around with only just the two of us and I need transport to school soon. So, I hope this means an object with 4 wheels is coming my way. :D
*cross fingers*
They still owe me a birthday prezzie. >:D
Labels: Family, Rant, Wants and Wishes, Work Done
Friday, March 12, 2010 @ header

Header for TAF 2010 Website
This took me a while (thanks to interferences, I had to redo this twice.) And yea, I know it doesn't look as good as previous ones, but that's because I drew and coloured this myself. :D
*Sigh. This week we couldn't see each other. This is tough but it means that next week's meeting, we would cherish our time spent together more.
(i know this is a feeble attempt to sound strong. *sobs*)
Labels: Graphics, Header, Rant, TAS, William, Work Done
Sunday, February 28, 2010 @ MINE! ALL MINE!
Taylor's Asaban Festival Teaser Poster V.3

Taylor's Asaban Fest Bookmark/Callcard V2
Made them again using free-to-use-in-any-circumstances materials. *whew*
Finding them are harddd. Remaking the calender is hard too! *sniffles* Heck, i even drew the image on the bookmark myself! Finding a good image that is free to use is hard. Editing and altering a copyrighted one is hard too.
Whew, so glad that i'm over with this one. :) I really hope i have juniors to delegate to. hehe.
Labels: Bookmark, Graphics, Poster, TAS, Work Done
Thursday, February 25, 2010 @ O Noes..
Buu. There are problems with the bookmark design:
- Resolution too small. It needs to be 600gpi. *gasps*
- Need to leave a 0.5cm space in case got error in printing.
- Need to check the image, textures, background, and brushes if they are under creative commons. If they are, i either can replace use of them or change it at least 5% (was it 5? or 10? *blur*) to use it as mine.
- Oh, and the calender cannot see at all. (ugh, just kill me already)
*sigh*. sad sad. i hope there's no prob with the teaser. I don't know where did yu-an find the image of the castle one. I'm just using. *gulp*
On a lighter note, I'm going out with William this Saturday. Woot! It's our 3rd monthversary, the first one that we actually get to see each other and properly celebrate the monthly date. Haha. I can't wait, fufufu. I'm looking forward to ice cream :D!
Labels: Celebration, Rant, TAS, William
Wednesday, February 24, 2010 @ Updates
Taylor's Asaban Festival Teaser Poster V2.

Credits: Kitsune image from

More stuff for TAF 2010 promo. :) Fufufu, should i cosplay for TAF this year? if so, what should i cosplay as?
Labels: Bookmark, Graphics, Poster, TAS, Work Done
Friday, February 19, 2010 @ a very late new year resolution
Wow, yeah, I'm slow like this. But here it is:
Labels: Pictures, Wants and Wishes